Build Studios hosts new season of workshops from Museum of Architecture

4th September 2018

This autumn Build Studios will host another season of workshops from the Museum of Architecture’s Academy.  Participants can brush-up their web-writing skills, learn how to create dynamic PR campaigns, tackle the management of their finances and explore how to win new work through the tendering process.

The events are two-part interactive workshops with experienced professionals, and introduce crucial skills and knowledge for growing successful businesses.

Write for your Website – how to turn what you do into words

13 and 20 September  6.30-8.30pm

Learn why getting the text right on your website is crucial if you want your clients to understand what you do.

Public Relations for Architects

27 September and 4 October  6.30-8.30pm

A two-part workshop about public relations in the built environment and how good communications can the serve the business of architecture.  Learn how to increase awareness and protect reputations.

Finance for Architects

11 and 18 October  6.30-8.30pm

Managing finances is a crucial component of running a successful architectural practice, yet is much misunderstood and overlooked.  Learn how to instil disciplines and measures to increase practice profitability.

Winning New Work Through Tenders

1 and 8 November  6.30-8.30

Get some insight into the what, why and how of winning work through tenders so you can save time and money as well as being successful.


All workshops cost £125 + VAT / concessions £75 + VAT.  Visit the Museum of Architecture website for more info and to book.